AraSol~ Just Say It

8 min read

Deviation Actions

marcelline-michaelis's avatar
apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]
AA: S0 tell me wh0 y0u're flushed f0r!
TA: What? No! II'm not telliing you that!
AA: But y0u pr0mised y0u w0uld tell me t0day!
AA: Y0u said y0u were ready.

TA: Why would II even 2ay a thiing liike that?
TA: Alriight fiine. Meet me at my hiive iin a few miinute2.

AA: N0 y0ur hive has all that weird mind h0ney and stuff. It's weird!
AA: Lets meet at my hive instead.
AA: But, later. N0t n0w. I have t0 g0 see Equius f0r a bit.

TA: What? Agaiin? Why are you alway2 hangiing around him now?
AA: Um
TA: You know, you've ba2iically 2topped talkiing to me ever 2iince you became that 2weaty a22hole's 2moochbot.
AA: Y0u're being really insincere!
TA: You don't even like me anymore, do you?
AA: N0 that's n0t the p0int!
AA: Just…meet me at my hive s0 y0u can just tell me what y0u want t0 tell me.

TA: Fine
apocalypseArisen [AA] ceased trolling twinArmageddons [TA]
Sollux banged his head on the keyboard. "God I'm so stupid! What could possibly have possessed me to tell Aradia who I'm flushed for? God, such an idiot! Agh!" He continuously scolded himself. He knew it would be completely useless and down right embarrassing to confess to Aradia that he was flushed for her. She most likely didn't feel the same way about him, which was why she always disappears with that strong douche bag with the perspiration problem. Sollux never understood why she even liked being around the guy. He doesn't even seem to see her as an equal! But fine, whatever. He'll just tell her and get it off his chest, and expect a laugh or a slap in response.
Sollux sighed and prepared to leave for Aradia's hive. But when he got near the window and peered outside, there she was standing out on his lawnring. He opened the window and used his powers to bring her inside. It's easier that way, and she never seemed to mind. He set her down in the middle of the floor. "What are you doing here, Aradia? I thought you didn't want to come to my hive." Aradia placed her hands behind her back and scanned her feet shyly. "I….changed my mind. And I apologize for insulting it." She continued looking down at her feet until she suddenly snapped out of her coyness and lifted her head up. "Anyway, what was it that you wanted to tell me again? Because I sorta wanted to tell you something too. I just thought of how to say it on the way here." Sollux, searching for the easiest and quickest way to get this over with, paused and stuttered endlessly. "I…uh….well…it's just that I…."
"Can we please make this quick? I think Equius-" before she even finished her sentence, Sollux reached his breaking point of annoyance from even hearing that troll's name. "What is it with you and Equius?! I can't even have a five minute conversation without you mentioning his name! And on top of that, you've stopped hanging out with me like we used to. You like to spend your time with a guy that always mistreats you!" Aradia looked shocked and angered by this, taking defense immediately. "He does not mistreat me! And I do not spend all my time with him!
"Oh please. That musclehead is completely conceited in his little illusion of nobility on the hemospectrum and how you should be treated based on your blood color! Why can't you see? He treats you like a peasant! Like the only role you should place was to serve him because your blood color of the absolute lowest color in the spectrum! If this was me, I wouldn't have treated you any different."
By now, tears were starting to form in Aradia's eyes as she took a step back. "I'm leaving. Is this why you wanted me to come over? So you can yell at me about Equius? Just scorning me on Trollian wasn't enough for you was it? You wanted to see me cry yourself. Well fine then! I'm going home!" She turned her body to the window and started to walk towards it, but she was stopped when she found her wrist in the tight grasp of Sollux's hand. "Wait! Aradia. Please…..don't go. I'm hurt." His head was facing the floor below their feet, so she couldn't see his eyes. Or, his glasses, in this case. She attempted to snatch her arm back from him.
"Why are you hurt? I think you made it clear what you wanted to say and how you feel." When she pulled away, Sollux grabbed both of her wrists, still avoiding eye contact as much as possible. "No, I haven't. What I said to you a few minutes ago wasn't at all what I planned on saying." He sighed and let go of her. "I guess I said it because I was just….jealous."
Aradia blinked in silent response, scanning her thinkpan for something to say. "Jealous…?"
Sollux sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know. Go ahead and say I'm a stupid butt-ugly worthless chump for being jealous. And call me the biggest insensitive jerk on Alternia for making you cry like that. Go ahead. I'm ready for it." Sollux clenched his fists at his sides and expected the hoard of insults and scorn to flood out of her mouth in his direction, but instead he found two arms gently caressed around his neck in a hug. "I'm not going to insult you, Sollux. But why are you jealous?" her subtle voice seeped into his ear.
Sollux took a deep breath and figured he might as well go ahead and say it now. "Because of my red feelings for you! There. I said it. You can go ahead and hate me now because I know you have black feelings for me." Aradia loosened her arms and pulled back a bit. "What?"
"You're in a Red Romance with Zahhak….aren't you?" This time Sollux forced himself to look Aradia in the eye. "What? Oh god no. Not him!" Aradia shook her head with an expression that looked as if she just ate a lemon. "Then why do you spend so much time with him?" He retorted. Aradia sighed and stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Well….the truth is… get RedRom advice from him. He's actually surprisingly well at giving that kind of advice! Maybe not better than Karkat, but he was the only one readily available to ask for help."
Aradia inched away with an embarrassed expression. But Sollux still had a few questions to ask. "Why would you need RedRom advice?" Aradia pressed her fingers together. "Um…I suppose to tell a lucky troll how I feel. And….maybe…fill that particular red quadrant with me?" Aradia's voice was getting increasingly low and unsure as she spoke.
"Who's the lucky troll?" Sollux dared to ask. Aradia stayed silent for a while, staring at him. "Is it me?" He swallowed hard and mentally kicked himself for asking possibly the stupidest question in all of paradox space. He immediately felt six inches tall as soon as the three words spilled out of his mouth and shattered onto the floor. "Sollux?" was the only thing Aradia said, triggering a sense of doom and regret in Sollux. Had he said the wrong thing?" When that was the only thing Aradia said, Sollux urgently tried to think of someone else she could possibly be talking about. "Okay, uh, is it…..uhm…." He searched more for hints in her facial expressions than names forming in his head. Suddenly she lunged herself forward and grabbed his shirt and the back of his head, pulling him into a semi deep kiss. Sollux, caught off guard, soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around her waist. Then they both pulled away from each other. Aradia's sudden lunge attack nearly knocked Sollux's glasses off his face, and left them lopsided and prone to slipping off at any given moment. He simply just took them off and suspended them on the front of his shirt.
Aradia, still clinging to Sollux, rested her head on his chest. "Now do you see how I feel?" Sollux calmly wrapped his arms around her smaller body and rested his head on top of hers, smiling. "Yes. I see. My Matesprit."
© 2013 - 2024 marcelline-michaelis
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